Dear Parents,
I am indeed grateful to the management of GJAV to have entrusted me to lead a motivated and dedicated team of teachers, administrative staff and enthusiastic students. Every possibility exists for one who intends to concover what lies within.If we discover our inner self every dream would become a possibility,every fortune would become conceivable and every fear conquerable.There are immense possibilities for those who dare to dream and turn them into reality. Goals are dreams with a deadline attached to them.
We as teachers have a responsibility to educate not only our children but also to make them realise the importance of dreams. Education gives you the path to your dream. Education is freedom, Once you have achieved that freedom. The world is yours and you can be anything you imagine and make sure your voice will be heared in this world. Be focused, Be determined be hopeful. Empower yourself with a good education.
GYAN JYOTI AWASIYA VIDYALAYA is one such happy place where students and faculty grow together and realise their potential. The infrastructure and teaching methodology at the school go on evolving to keep pace with ongoing innovations.
"Wish you all Happiness and Prosperity !!"